Working Summary of Peep Central

Before continuing with the planning of this book, I decided I needed to develop a working summary, which will help me to keep this book on track:
Peep Central, a novel spanning about 11 years, chronicles the lives of two young sisters (four years apart) as they raise themselves, without adult guidance, navigating a post-9/11 world in which they must survive day-to-day and mature into young adulthood while also coping with parental abandonment and typical issues facing contemporary young people.
A good summary ought to be
–Short (under 100 words)

–One sentence

–Descriptive of what the novel is all about.

–General (as opposed to being specific)
As I develop the synopsis, I may continue to tweak this summary.

Also, the basic premise of the novel may shift.

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Random Notes, the Process of Writing (So Far)